How To Plan A Bridal Shower

By Joseph Tranturder

As demands for your time continue to increase and expectations mount at work and at home you can find yourself under a great deal of stress. Chronic Stress on an individual's body can lead to an inability to resisting infection and maintain vital functions. If you are more stressed you are much more likely to become ill physically while mentally you can become depressed, anxious and irritable leading to poor decision making ability.

Stress while beneficial in emergency situations when a fight or flight instinct is needed, can have serious negative effects on your well-being. Your Health Stress certainly does contribute to the failing health aspects listed above but vacations provide a relief from stress and bring health benefits. Leisure activities such as vacations or weekend excursions contribute to higher emotional levels and less depression. Other health benefits include lower blood pressure and improved body mass index scores.

Venue and Timing - The first big decision that you need to make is where to hold the party. This could be a more intimate setting like someone's home which involves more work with the preparation and food but a comfortable feel. You could also opt to meet at an event space in a hotel or a restaurant which costs a big more but is easier to plan. After you have picked the venue you need to choose the time. Bridal showers can range between 2 weeks to 2 months before the wedding. Choose a date when most of the people on the guest list will be free to attend. When it comes to the time of day most bridal showers are in the early morning but choose whatever is most comfortable for the bride to be (remember that the shower is in her honor).

Theme - You got to have one, well you really don't but it helps to make the party more cohesive. Try and be creative when it comes to choosing the theme. Some possible ideas you could use include the bride's favorite foods, her personal style or favorite colors, or where she likes to hangout. Also choose a theme based on her personality. If she is very chic pick a nice restaurant but if she is relaxed and like the outdoors think about going for a picnic. Select the colors and make plans for how the theme will work into the different elements of the party.

Now before you call her picky, the hotel did not provide washcloths in your room. Back down I went to talk with the desk attendant about the mystery of the filthy of washcloth. The desk attendant apologized profusely and arranged for my family to be moved over to a different room. We carried our stuff over to the new room (our kids our falling asleep by now). The room was the same style as the original minus the mess. I was peeved about the experience but not enough to keep me from falling asleep.

Life Decisions Vacations also provide you the opportunity to step back from your responsibilities and view the whole picture, reevaluating your life, and determining your future. By being busy for most of the time you may realize that you are unhappy but not have the time to recognize the issue.

Large life decisions such as choosing a career path, accepting a job, or applying for school require some time to deliberate and a much needed break to do so. Vacations provide the opportunity for health, work, and relationship benefits as well as the opportunity to make decisions. However, vacations really only provide the opportunity to have these benefits. Individuals must choose to relax during breaks and step away from their life and responsibilities in order for vacations to be effective.

Vacations are precious commodities that need to be used wisely. Whether you plan on flying to a hotel in Norwalk, CT; cruising in the Mediterranean, or just staying home over a weekend make sure to take advantage of the many benefits that a vacation offers.

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