Custom Knives And Other Things To Build A 48 Hour Emergency Kit

By Harriett Crosby

A basic 48 hour emergency kit is something every family should have. They should contain items like food to eat, water to drink and custom knives for protection and cloths. Emergencies happen all the time. It could be something as common as the power going out for a few days because of a tornado or having to deal with the aftermath of a hurricane.

These little kits are a small collection things you will need to help survive any emergency situation. It is generally best to get these items together first so you can reach them in a seconds notice. Should you need to leave home it is quite unlikely you will get time to go searching through your house to pick out the things you will require for the several days or be able to purchase them at any a local store.

To survive emergency situations people require three basic items; a small amount of useful supplies, food and water. You should always plan for your supplies to last your family for at least 2 days to be safe. There are often state, federal and local government agencies around to help out people but generally they are slow to get to everyone immediately. They could reach you in only few hours or in many days.

It is also important that you plan your kit without having common conveniences. Often the basic services people take for granite like electricity, gas, phone, water and sewage treatment may not be working. They could be off for several days so your kit should reflect this possibility.

Every kit requires around a gallon of fresh water. Breaking this into smaller bottles is often the best plan. You should also pack some small filters and iodine just in case your water runs out and more water has to be treated and filtered.

Planning for food is a little harder. Granola and oatmeal bars make great high calorie snacks. Mixed nuts and honey are two items that will not spoil if stored for a long time. Canned tuna and chicken is good for making impromptu meals. Dried beans, oats and of course jerky are good for rounding out meals. A small bag of hard candy, tootsie rolls/pops or gum is good to break up the day for snacks.

Some other items you should pack are flashlights and extra batteries. A good radio that uses a hand crank. Stove matches, a gas lighter and some small candles just in case. You should also plan for toiletry and showering items with a nice first aid kit. Some final things are eating utensils, duct tape, a pocket knife and can opener.

If you have room some optional items you could add to your 48 hour emergency kit are a change of clothing, a waterproof jacket and your best custom knives. You can take can goods like soups and meals but try to get the condensed ones. Remember these are supposed to be easily accessible and portable. Remember to keep them up to date by going through them at least every six months so you are ready.

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