Things To Know Before Going Out To Get Your Haida Gwaii Accommodations

By Marci Nielsen

The island chain or archipelago of British Columbia, called Haida Gwaii, has been trending in the past few years as a good place for a visit and vacation. Many therefore research on the best Haida Gwaii accommodations for their planned trip, and this may be true for you also. However, before you choose the best hotels for your needs, you should know more about the area in this article.

Since Haida Gwaii is an island system, or rather archipelago, it is logical to expect that activities will involve and revolve around the water. One of the most popular attractions is whale watching and whale watching related activities which is available for the tourist and visitor year round.

As with any ecological observation tour, the frequency of you being able to catch a good view or glimpse of orcas, humpbacks and gray whales will depend on the season and month. However, this is still considered the best place in the whole world to watch these species of whales. In any case, always do some advanced research regarding best viewing times.

Those who do not want to spend too much time on the water can enjoy a myriad of land based activities as well. The islands do have quite a few hiking trails and camping spots available and these can in turn be coupled with some kayaking and fishing. A quite popular combination of activities involves biking or hiking in the early morning and finishing this off with just lounging or lazing around the beach until early evening.

Those who want to add a bit of cultural learning and exposure to their visit may do so to their heart's content. The Haida, or what the local populace are called, are a proud and friendly people who will be more than willing to share their culture with you. To avoid embarrassing questions and situations however, do read up beforehand anything important about their history and such.

As one travels from one island to another, one cannot help but notice the large number of totem poles erected around the area. There are the recorded histories of each of the families on the islands, and thus sacred and important. One would be quite correct in saying that they look like Alaskan totems, since the Haida also occupy large portions of the Alaskan state.

If you want a complete immersion in local history and culture, you need about almost four days to make a complete tour of the archipelago. During that time you can visit each of the community museums and learn more about their arts and crafts also. You will also be able to learn about the bent wood technique which was popularized by the Haida and also used by North American Indian Tribes.

The island chain is also very accessible and takes only about two hours flight via plane originating from Toronto. Most describe it as close enough to get to, but far enough away to get away from it all. You can also access the islands by boat or ferry as well. However going there by ferry or boat may take you up to eight hours and also it is very dependent on the weather. Most that have taken the boat say it is a very scenic way to do so.

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