How To Recognize A Female Midlife Crisis

By Serena Price

Most people do not realize that women can go through a midlife crisis the same as men. Female midlife crisis is somewhat different than the typical male experience because men are acting out of fear and women are acting out of disillusionment. Many women find themselves at the age when the kids are grown and have moved away and they realize that most of the dreams they had have not been accomplished.

At this point some become depressed, suffer weight gain and begin to question the meaning of their lives to date. If they were stay at home moms they may desire to find a career that fulfills them. If they have worked through the years they may think about quitting their job and finding other employment that is more challenging.

Another form that this problem may take on is anger. They are angry at themselves for wasting their lives. Another reason for the anger can be from living their entire life taking care of those around them and never taking time to realize their potential in life. This anger can come out sideways and be misdirected towards their spouse or children.

It has been noted that more women have plastic surgery done during this period of their lives. Face lifts and breast augmentation being the most common. They may also begin staying out with friends after work instead of coming home in the evenings.

A survey of two hundred husbands was done regarding the first signs of their wives changes in behavior and many stated that they had become difficult to get along with. Starting arguments or being sarcastic whenever they spoke. They also mentioned that personal appearance had become very important to their wives. They were losing weight, exercising, and dressing in younger fashions.

All of this discontent with one's life can be a wake up call for you if you recognize what is happening. It can be a period of personal growth and exploration of options for you. You can do all of this and not destroy your life as you know it. This same period can serve to give your spouse the same opportunities for growth and self realization.

There are five distinct phases of MLC that you must pass through to survive this period of life. They are much the same for men and women. They consist of; shock, denial, depression, anger and finally acceptance. You may rotate through these symptoms several times before you reach acceptance but you will get there eventually.

When you go through the female midlife crisis you will be experiencing internal changes that can work out to be a positive or negative outcome. If your spouse is able to experience these internal changes with you it will be a smooth transition for both partners. You can turn any crisis into a positive experience. You need only to recognize what is happening and try not to over react to it. Over reaction can bring many regrets with it.

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