Experience The Highlights Of Machu Picchu And Galapagos Combined Tours

By Paulette Mason

It is now possible to enjoy two of the most fascinating and exciting locales in the Southern Hemisphere in a single tour. Travelers eager to visit these historically significant locations will visit both natural and archaeological sites over a period of two weeks or more. Machu Picchu and Galapagos combined tours reveal the mysteries surrounding the native Inca people who built this city in the sky, and observe the same creatures Charles Darwin saw.

Both locations are historically significant, but in entirely different ways. Machu Picchu is found in the high country of Peru, perched precariously at nearly 8,000 feet on the eastern slope of the Andes mountains. During the destruction of the Inca empire by early European explorers, most fabled cities they had built were permanently destroyed, leaving the one that escaped hidden for centuries.

The city remained unknown to the outside world until the early 20th century, when a professor from Yale University inadvertently rediscovered it while searching for another legendary Inca city called Vilcabamba, the last capital prior to the Spanish defeat. What he found astounded the archaeological world. The stunningly beautiful location was covered by vegetation, but underneath was a city.

Because of its remote location, Spanish conquistadors were not aware it existed, and today most buildings and hillside terraces remain. All are carefully made from granite stones interlaced expertly without mortar. Some are thought to be temples, but the entire site was spiritually important. Nearly five hundred years later, thousands of people are drawn to the unparalleled and breathtaking natural beauty.

The contrast between this Peruvian lost city and the Galapagos Islands belonging to Ecuador cannot be ignored. The stone city in the clouds is thought to have been a religious or spiritual site, but the Galapagos Islands inspired naturalist Charles Darwin to write a book that is shook traditional Western religious assumptions. The islands were stumbled upon by Europeans during the early 16th century, and later became a haven for pirates and whalers.

The flora and fauna living here have characteristics that exist nowhere else on the planet. Giant Galapagos tortoises were once bountiful, but after being indiscriminately slaughtered for their meat, they are nearly gone. When Charles Darwin visited in an official capacity as naturalist, he was astounded by the physical adaptations that most creatures had undergone, and his conclusions shaped modern biological science.

Many creatures here show no fear of human beings, allowing visitors to see them close up. Although this is an incredibly rich and important ecosystem, it has enjoyed protection for many years, and has escaped common exploitation. Visitors to the thirteen islands can witness sea-going iguanas, birds with special adaptations not found elsewhere, and even tropical penguins swimming next to cinder-cone volcanoes.

Several tour packages combine these distinctly different worlds. Most last a minimum of two weeks or longer, and involve travel over both land and sea. Because this adventure encompasses more than one country, it is advisable to consult with a travel adviser or agent. There are available tour packages designed to fit most budgets, making the trip of a lifetime available to those eager to experience both unforgettable locations.

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