Find And Win Equestrian Scholarships

By Dorthy Lloyd

Everyone should know that many scholarships go unclaimed because no one applies for them. Since higher education costs are high, making use of free money just makes sense. Major awards may be hotly contended for, but others go unnoticed by the general public. Equestrian scholarships are one fairly restricted field that students interested in a career in the horse industry, or talented riders who want to focus on other fields, should definitely check out.

There are many kinds of aid available for qualified students. Some are based on need, others on academic excellence. Athletic prowess is a well-known way to get a free ride to a degree. But there are others, like a beauty pageant prize or a talent show award, or ones which reward community service or club membership. Schools offer help with tuition and other costs, as well. Every avenue should be explored when facing the huge investment a college education requires.

Many a scholarship does not specify how it should be used, stipulating merely that the monies go for tuition and necessary expenses such as books or room and board. Others cover only certain activities or expenses. An athletic award, for instance, many only be binding as long as the student participates in a certain sport. An academic award might require maintenance of a certain grade point level. Institutional funds will probably not follow a student who transfers to another school.

Riding can pave the way to college. Both English and western organizations proudly award financial aid year after year. As horse shows and rodeos gain popularity as a spectator sport, schools have come to offer degree programs in all sorts of equine activities and to field teams for intramural competitions. Whether the sport is barrel racing, polo, or Grand Prix jumping, success in the arena can count for more than ribbons or belt buckles.

Another source of funds is breed associations. A boy or girl who owns an Arabian horse, for instance, should check out awards given by Arabian clubs. There are similar awards for those who work with Quarterhorses, Morgans, Saddlebreds, and other breeds. Most of these offers are small, consisting of perhaps a thousand dollars a year, but there is no limit to the number of awards one student can get from various sources.

Schools which offer complete equine industry degree programs often field competitive teams. A regional list can be found on the home site of the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association. (Winning at intramural competitions is one way schools attract students who may go on to become leaders in the industry). There are dedicated websites that post scholarship offers of all kinds, including equine ones.

Those who don't excel in riding may be interested in other facets of the horse industry. There are courses in barn management, equine law, animal husbandry (general care), running a riding school or camp, and animal nutrition. There are millions of horses in the country, and millions of riders, so the field is a wide-open one which shows no signs of decline.

There is a treasure trove of financial aid out there, given by groups like the Boy Scouts or retailers like Wal Mart. Many corporations offer aid packages, as do civic groups and individual philanthropists. Any serious student should be able to find help to pay for higher education.

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