Going For Alaska Salmon Fishing Lures

By Ruthie Livingston

Many people like salmon fishing. The sport is quite popular but in spite of this, it can be frustrating too. This will happen especially if you go about it the wrong way. This article is therefore dedicated to give you ideas on Alaska salmon fishing lures.

You need to be prepared before going out. Ensure that you have everything. You have to have all the things that you need before you begin your job. Remember to sharpen the hooks. Salmons usually have thickened and tough jawlines. If you have a dull hook, catching them is quite difficult. The only way you can be successful is by having sharpened hooks.

Pick the baits wisely. Most of you know that the best baits for the salmons are eggs. There are other options to use. Many individuals have begun to shift to cut baits which is a fish strip. It is usually a smelt or a herring. You also have the option of making use of a spoon that is thin. Its lure normally reflects the fish movements. The flash trap spinners in Alaska salmon angling lures also make good choices.

Remember to add flashes. Make sure that the baits have something that will attract the fish. Anything with some flash will tend to make them attracted to that spot. The fish will normally be attracted to the low lights. Simple flashes attract fish in the darker and deeper waters.

The first color that comes out is red. It will disappear to as far as fifteen feet. This is good for fishing since the line appears invisible to the fish in such a depth. It is only the sockeye type of salmon that sees the red.

On the same note of salmon loving darkness, overcast days will be the best to go salmon fishing. If not, then dusk or dawn hours are optimal. Avoid fishing in sunny and very bright days because the visual capacity of the fish will be very great. In current or river fishing, drift technique of fishing should be employed. It will give the bait a more realistic appearance. This technique involves casting of bait upstream then letting it float downstream.

If the fishing is been done in the open waters, it must be on the direction of the tide. Most of the time the fish face the direction the flow is coming from and therefore will locate the bait at a distance. Be ready to catch as many as you can in the peak times. This should be an hour before and an hour after low or high tides.

Make use of color. As already mentioned, some of the colors will tend to disappear at the deeper points. You do not want to make use of bright colors because they tend to gray out in deeper waters. It becomes a hard thing for you to see them.

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