Advantages Of Marine Transport Over Other Modes Of Transport

By Dorothy Nelson

One primary daily activity of people is transportation. Among many others, marine transport is one significant means that is used in transporting bulky goods. However, it is considered as the best means of carrying bulky goods between different coastal areas in the world. This form of marine transport is fundamental due to some reasons are shown below.

It is a reliable means of transport. People prefer this kind of transportation more than other modes of transport due to its protective nature of their goods. The accidents are rare in this form of transport and people tend to have more trust in it. Disasters such as oil spillages cause more loss to the owner of goods and in this case being rare gives more hope to the owners of products hence they people rely more on it.

Marine transportation is environmentally friendly. Machines always produce sounds as they move which disturbs the environment. Environmental disturbance such as noise pollution is rare when using water transportation because the nature of engines used to make the drivers of ships produce less noise as they move smoothly on water. That is contrary to trains and trucks that provide loud, disturbing sounds that pollutes the environment.

It is pocket-friendly means of transport. All transportation materials require construction and maintenance. However, the materials used in each case differ regarding value. The materials used in the case of marine machines is cheaper as compared to one used in vehicles and trains. Therefore, makes water transport more cost friendly than the other means of transportation.

Marine transportation produces fewer air pollutant emissions. Every transporting machine emit toxic materials that are not friendly to the environment. When the comparison is made between ships or any water transportation equipment with trucks and trains, it is found out that boats emit less carbon dioxide and other air pollutants such as carbon monoxide and oxides of nitrogen and sulfur. This, however, makes it less pollutant.

Marine transportation enables access to distant areas and transportation of bulky goods between the coastal regions. Transportation to long distances with bulky goods has contributed majorly to the long-distance exchange of goods. Traders find it easy to move longer distances with their heavy products to meet with their fellow traders so that they can exchange their goods hence promoting international trade.

Transportation is more tolerant as compared to trucks and trains. Rigid nature of traveling conditions makes transport difficult sometimes. However, marine traffic can be easily altered in case of any change of circumstances, e. G., moving from one area to another that may be as a result of weather conditions. That is made possible due to its flexible nature of the sea in that direction can be changed easily without difficulties. Therefore, makes marine transportation more tolerant.

It provides adequate space for storing and accommodating goods. The area available in the sea is large enough to accommodate big transporting machines that move on or in the waters. That enables people to carry as many goods as possible from one coastal area to another hence much space is available on the ships for accommodating the goods. It has Made water transportation more reliable regarding more products.

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