Large Demand For Drone Wedding Video Florida Keys

By Barbara Young

As difficult as it is to believe, there are still crazy people in this world who get married on purpose rather than in Vegas. While they should probably be getting their heads examined, they instead plan to pick up that ball-and-chain on a warm, sandy beach. These couples definitely need a drone wedding video Florida Keys.

Of course, you can get your cousin Leonard to fly his homemade neighbor spy cam for free. There are likely to be entertaining snippets left between frames of your rainy day nuptials that include Mrs. Jones and her pool boy. If cousin Leonard is REALLY careless, he might even leave footage of the party he held at that pool after the two of them ran off from Mr. Jones, taking the maid and his bank account with them.

Oh wait, there was something mentioned about rainy day nuptials I believe. It is most probable that cousin Leonard would be unable to make his spy fly take to the air on a rainy day. In fact, his modified toy RC helicopter can barely navigate through a gentle breeze, let alone a tropical storm.

The rain should be taken as a sign to the bride and groom to abandon all hope, especially the wedding. Surely no one will be upset if the couple steals all the gift certificates and hides out until the whole wedding fever dies down. However, if they fail to heed that warning, they may need assistance obtaining a reverend, not to mention planning the after-party.

Also at our disposal are several men and women of God. We keep them around just in case talking the happy couple out of their union fails. No matter what religious orientation this new duo argues about, we have a Minister, Rabbi, Priest(ess), or Guru available to perform the execution ... I mean wedding.

Blushing brides always want everyone to be present on their special day. Unless the parents own AirTran and Hilton stock, the cost of this travel often falls to the guests. However, should the happy couple be willing and able to work with us in advance, we have travel and board packages that help to lessen the burden of cost.

Although the Sunshine State has a reputation, the attendees need not fret or fear about the potential for weather to occur. Unless Category Six Hurricane Irony hits their beach, our people can get an enclosure up faster than a Phish Roadie builds the stage. This modular building, once completed, is stable enough to protect a party of 150 from any average storm.

The bride, groom, and pastor will all be wired to ensure that, when they take their vows it is audible enough that neither can deny what they said years later. The sound of the aircraft will not be audible to anyone on the beach, or in the enclosure. Every moment will be caught from a variety of angles, with footage of the attendees cut in to tell the story of their special day.

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