Holiday Check List

By Poppy Hill

Many people travel without insurance and take the risk of not falling ill on holiday or worse having an accident. Neither case is worth thinking about as both could be very costly if you fall ill or have an accident in a country other than your own. The UK has a free national health service whereas Europe and the States don't use the same system and rely on the patient to have their own health benefits. Before you travel a good peice of advice would be look into comparing different insurance policies for your health cover and buy one before you leave for your trip.

Being prepared for small accidents is a good tip for any tourist as you may be a little distance from a local chemist. You can include a number of first aid medicine to help you over your initial crisis including antiseptic lotions to wash out any cuts you have after a fall out in the open terrain. Perhaps plasters and bandages and a great tip would be sickness tablets for the journey for those who don't like aeroplanes.

Travelling light is the perfect way to go on vacaction as you only need the minimum amount of clothes to take with and you can wash them on a regular basis and dry them in your hotel room. Any last miniute plans which you have not covered for in your holiday clothes can be purchased at local shops in your resort. When hand washing your clothes remember to pack a small line which can be adapted for use in your hotel room.

No matter what type of holiday accommodation you are staying in plugs for your sinks will always come in handy to take with you. Large hotel groups often don't supply any while luxury groups may be missing or broken. Keep one in your case no matter where you travel.

Everyone likes to take their own toiletries with them on holiday as they will be familar with using their own products. Due to carryon restrictions only a small amount of liquids can be carried on the plane with you in a small bag which must be scanned. Alternatively you can wait until you arrive at your hotel or purchase products once you have gone through security.

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