Setting Up An Itinerary For The Best Backpacking Trips

By Anita Ortega

What sets a good vacation apart from a bad vacation is the itinerary. Whether you are on an expensive holiday or a cheap vacation on a budget, you will need an itinerary of some sort to assist you have the best time while you are out and also to get the most out of your money too. This article will assist you on setting up an itinerary for the best backpacking trips suited for you.

At the very onset your itinerary will depend on where you plan to take your trip. Should you plan to take it in a First World or Western country, you can expect that there will be a lot of services that will cater to backpackers. This is of course a lot different if you backpack in more underdeveloped countries, and ones in Asia also, wherein not so much support exists in terms of budget hotels, hiking trails, hiking and backpacking routes, or even campsites. This kind of support which is of course taken for granted in Western countries.

The lack of facilities however in a certain country as regards backpacking support is not really a deterrent to hard core packers. They are attracted to places of distance and inaccessibility for this gives them more of a sense of exploration and adventure. However there are some extra precautions to take when taking the road less travelled.

Take someone along with you on your trip so as to have more security. For as they say, there is safety in numbers. Try to take someone who is familiar with the area you are headed and plan to go to. This will of course give you greater peace of mind that you are not completely going in clueless, and that someone has your back when you need it.

When going out to an undisclosed or remote location, make sure that you have gather some intel first regarding the general area. Try to read up on news of the peace and order situation of where you are headed so as ensure that you will be really safe. Never gamble with your life by going to critically dangerous areas, you are meant to go out and have fun, not running for your life.

Once you do get to your intended place or destination, make the locals your guides. Local people are more knowledgeable and most are willing to show off their areas and where they live in. Not only will you make a good social impression, but you can make many friends as well.

Always bring plenty of clean drinking water with you, no matter where you are. Also make sure that you are mindful of where the nearest medical facilities are in case of an emergency. In this way you can have a fast recourse for help when the uneventful happens.

And of course, lower your expectations when going to hike in places unknown. Many people do not get good trips not because they are in a backward or far flung place, but it is because they have already carried over some mental preconceptions. It is best to leave all your prejudices behind and enjoy the trip for what it is, a new and exciting one.

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