Book A Pleasure Trail Ride At One Of The Horse Riding Academies Stockton Ca Is Home To

By Tanisha Berg

It is easy to admire the beauty of this wonderful animal. He is strong and proud. You can learn to ride skillfully when you sign up for a summer camp session offered by one of the horse riding academies stockton ca has to offer.

Going on a one-hour trail ride may be the introduction most people get to horses. But, there is so much more to learn. There is feeding and grooming, knowing how to walk up to a horse and knowing which side to mount on, for example.

Attending lessons at one of the riding academies teaches that and more. The lessons include grooming, saddling and putting on the bridle. The back must be free of any dust or dirt before you put on the saddle blanket.

Prepare for riding with the halter on and switch to the bridle as the last step. When you come up behind the animal be sure to make a sound or say whoa boy to let him know you are there. It is a bad idea to startle the animal.

After the saddle blanket is on, the saddle pad goes on over that. It is shaped like a saddle and is of some quilted or padded material to make the saddle fit comfortably. The saddle is set on top of the pad.

The cinch strap goes under the belly to secure the saddle. It attaches to the left side of the saddle and should be a snug fit, without being too tight. Test it by slipping two fingers between it and the belly. If you can do that easily, it is just right.

The stirrups are adjusted to the right length for each rider. They have to be short enough for standing and putting all your weight on them. They should be long enough for your feet to rest comfortably.

Now take the bridle and slip the bit into the horses mouth. Slip the headpiece over the ears. Make sure it rests comfortably and then remove the halter. Now all the tack is in place and it is time to ride.

It is likely the instructor will give the lessen in a fenced-in area. To mount, always approach your horse from the left side. Standing on that side put one foot in the stirrup. Then placing your weight on your left leg, lift yourself into the saddle. Put your right foot in the right stirrup and you are positioned to ride.

Hold the reins in the left hand if riding Western style. Start moving by nudging the horses ribs gently and loosening the reins. Stop the horse by pulling back on them and saying whoa. Move the reins in the direction you want to move in to turn in that direction.

You may take a private lessons with an instructor or be part of a small group of riders. You will be taught how to dismount. You will practice taking the reins over the head and tying them to a hitching post. Always use the slip knot the instructor will teach you.

At the end of your first lesson it will be difficult to leave. Unsaddle your horse, talking to him in a soft voice. Take time to stroke his neck and look forward to the day when you will return for another lesson.

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