Spearfishing In Florida Keys Rocks!

By Harriet Porter

Mankind will always be inspired by the beauty and extreme forces of nature. One of the most exhilarating outdoor activities man can embark upon, is spearfishing in Florida Keys. The natural beauty of the area, balmy climate and clear, turquoise waters not only attract drones of tourists and adventurers, but also marine creatures of all creeds and kinds. It is renowned as one of the best spearfishing destinations in the world.

The outstretched coastline along the keys offers a myriad of Edenic spearfishing locations where schools of fish and other aquatic creatures flourish in the balmy crystal clear waters.

The only live coral reef in America is located to the south of Miami and is famous for its rich sea life. Some of the most relished game fish trophies can be found here, including some rare species. The area is popular among veteran scuba divers as well as rookie snorkelers and spear fishermen.

Although spearfishing is an ancient hunting technique, it is today still as popular and exciting as in primitive times when the only equipment consisted of a mere sharpened stick. Although modern technology changed the nature and method of the sport, the main attraction is still the adrenalin rush of stalking and hunting the elusive creatures in their natural habitat. The use of high-tech spear guns and scuba diving equipment just made the sport more exciting and competitive.

Spearfishing is, like any other water sport, not without risk. Exploring the depths and secrets of the ocean on one's own, is sheer folly. One should always dive in a group, or at least with one trusted friend on a similar level of experience. The Florida Keys may be renowned for its breathtaking beauty, but beneath the turquoise waters lurk many a hungry predator. Lemons, bulls and nurse sharks are known to frequent the waters around spear fishermen, always on the lookout for a cheap meal. Speared fish should therefore be put in a strong game bag and tagged along at a safe distance to keep the predators of the underwater world at bay. No matter how wonderful the experience is, one should always be cautious when there are loaded guns, sharks and deep waters involved.

Spearfishing is also physically demanding and one should try to maintain a reasonable fitness level to handle unforeseen difficulties more easily.

Good advice is also to always carry a dive knife - it might just come in handy when you have to entangle yourself or a diving buddy and it is still the most humane way to kill a speared fish. Although one of the best aspects of the sport is to enjoy the freedom of the ocean, it is essential to invest in proper gear and to take good care of it. A spear gun that is not in working order can mean the difference between life and death. On the other hand, it is a deadly weapon and should only be loaded and fired underwater. Know your weapon and always handle it with caution.

Florida Keys, like most places where spearfishing is popular, has one or more renowned companies that offer specialist diving and spearfishing courses. Knowledge is power and the better one is trained, the better the changes of a safe, successful and enjoyable outing. The rules and regulations are strict and they differ from place to place. It is thus important to first explore a new diving area and the rules that apply there before one embark on a spearfishing expedition.

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