Living The Alaskan Adventure Dream In The Company Of Friends In An Anchorage Hostel

By Jennie Sandoval

The ultimate freedom of an Alaskan escape into the 'Land of the Midnight Sun' is without equal in an expansive wilderness that outdistances Texas landscapes by twice the size with over 3 million lakes and half the world's glaciers. The dichotomous advantages of Anchorage adventures is in its big city size with a friendly, small-town demeanor, which accounts for the vibrant enthusiasm of its tourist trade. The pristine wilderness of mountains, rivers, glaciers and forests is a living playground for an unparalleled adventurous retreat into 'the lower 48', reflected in the pure authenticity of an Anchorage hostel experience.

Once the subject of vivid Hollywood imaginations, a few films capitalized on the erroneous impression that hostels were seedy affairs for unsavory characters. The truth is that guests enjoy the advantages of safe, clean, inexpensive, casual accommodations that include a bed, a shared bathroom and communal lounge. Some lodgings include a kitchen or offer a hot meal at no additional cost.

As a communal experience, guests are privy to the company of other adventurous travelers and resident locals who share insider information on the lay of the land. Alaskan hostels offer varied accommodations to suit different preferences with some offering the option of mixed or single sex rooms while some respites offer the option of private rooms.

Anchorage is home to 300,000 residents from all walks of life. A healthy economy is perpetuated by local fishermen and miners, as well as the vibrantly diverse occupations that sustain all large cities. A bustling big city with a small-town friendly demeanor ingratiates 'the lower 48' with its thriving tourism. The pristine environment sustains picturesque landscapes alive with magnificent wildlife. Crystalline waters nurture whales, harbor seals, sea otters porpoises and myriad marine life.

Personal preferences for casual living lead backpackers away from the predictably costly formality of standard hotels and towards the free-spirited environment of hostels. Inspired by a German naturalist and schoolteacher in 1909 as an outdoor learning concept of a 'wandering school', today's hostels welcome guests of all ages for a cost-effective, self-catered, independent adventure stay.

In the U. S. Today, a network of hostels host over a million guests annually. Recently, the worldwide increase of independent hostels has been described as the single biggest news in the world of safe, inexpensive travel.

Alaskan adventurer's have limitless opportunities to exercise their imaginations by viewing the tip of the iceberg at half-mile wide Mendenhall Glacier, or whale watching on a boat in placid waters. Limitless scenic hiking trails, rafting, fishing, the thrill of zip-lining over an Alaskan landscape or the vibrant surprises that exist in the rich thickets of the teeming rainforest, offer incredible outdoor exhilaration that render spectacular photography of an unforgettable experience.

The incomparable exhilaration of an adventure in 'The Land of the Midnight Sun' is exemplified by the authenticity of a free-spirited stay in an Anchorage hostel. The cost-effectiveness of 'simply the basics' in a clean bed, bath and beyond offer guest safe and security. Shared experiences inspire the beginnings of new friendships, and fosters the independence that allows profound personal satisfaction with discovering all the beauty that the natural Alaskan environment has to offer.

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