Monuments in Columbus

By Dave Holden

Columbus is known for being the capital of Ohio, and is also the biggest town in the state itself. For visitors to the Columbus area, though masses of attractions abound, taking some time to go to visit monuments in Columbus is a great way to get a taste of the culture in the city itself. We have a list with the best Columbus monuments for you to check out while visiting the city.

Ohio Statehouse

There are numerous monuments and statues on the State House Capitol Grounds that may interest visitors who enjoy monuments and include Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Oak, The Spirit of '98, Here Stood Lincoln and more..

"These are My Jewels"

Found on the actual grounds of the state capital complex, the monument by Levi Scofield called "These are My Jewels" was first built in 1893, and transferred to its current location in 1894 where it remains one of the more well-liked Columbus monuments. This eye-catching and shock inspiring monument is yet one of the most well known monuments celebrating Ohio's signification in the Civil War.

Ohio World War Memorial

The Ohio World War Memoriam was erected in the 1930's and it is located on the State House Capitol.

James A. Rhodes

Erected in 1982, this statue honors the longest serving Governor in Ohio and in the history of the union, James A. Rhodes. This statue stands in front of the tallest building in Columbus, the James A. Rhodes State Office Tower. The statue is found close to the State House Capitol in proximity to several other columbus monuments.


A bronze sculpture embedded in granite, this statue of a winged lady was created by Bruce Wilder Saville and remembers Ohio soldier's sacrifices in the Civil War. The monument is 13 feet high and 11 feet wide, with the granite base at 8 feet high. Peace was erected in 1923 by the Dep. of Ohio's Woman's Relief Corps and is located on the state House Capitol Grounds in the Capitol Square.

Santa Maria Ship Replica

On Wesy Broad Street in Columbus there lives a copy of the Santa Maria, the ship that Christopher Columbus used on his excursion to the new world. In 1992, this ship was moored in the Scioto Brook in a 500 year commemoration. Seeing this piece of American history reminds visitors just how young and how old our country is, and what incredible progress we have made, even just technologically. The Santa Maria is a historic landmark and is open April to October, Wed. to Friday 10am to 3pm and Saturday and Sun. 12pm to 5pm.

Greenlawn Cemetery

Amongst the stoic grounds of Greenlawn Cemetery in Columbus resides one of the more respected monuments in Columbus. Simply called the squaddies monument, this statue lionises the Civil War infantrymen who fought and died in the area during the war. Walking through the hollowed grounds of this cemetery gives visitors a sense of the rich history the Columbus area has.

Camp Chase Confederate Cemetery

Though not necessarily pictured through statues and monuments, one area in Columbus does honor and pay respect to the Confederacy side of the Civil War. Located in the Camp Chase Confederate Cemetery is a monument that honors the 2,260 Confederate squaddies buried on the grounds.

Lake View Cemetery

Found in Cleveland but worth the trip, the multiple monuments found through Lake View Cemetery pay homage to fallen Civil War squaddies and include basic obelisk monuments and more complicated tributes as well , nevertheless one of the more prominent monuments on site is the one praising President Garfield who was killed and is amongst the more notable Ohio natives to have held office.

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