Visiting Kampong Ayer in Brunei

By Jonny Blair

Well you've heard the phrase "The Venice of Asia" a lot of times, you might even have read about it twice on my blog when I visited Tai O (Hong Kong's Venice) and Pingjianglu in Suzhou (China's Venice). A lot of places get given this Venice of Asia moniker and today it's all about Kampong Ayer in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei.

How to get to Kampong Ayer, Bandar Seri Begawan

In the capital city, Bandar Seri Begawan there is a place called the waterfront so go there and hang around at the water and you will see guys on boats. They will probably shout up at you if you want a boat - which you do so head on down and jump in, explaining that you are going across to Kampong Ayer.

How much does it cost to get to Kampong Ayer?

A single journey across to Kampong Ayer from Bandar Seri Begawan will cost $1 Brunei Dollar and that's it. You need to pay exactly the same price on the way back. It's a set and fixed fee so don't be paying any more than that. There are no tickets - it's pay in cash on the spot.

What are the main attractions of Kampong Ayer?

For a start it's totally free and basically you just walk around admiring the place. Here are a few things to see and do when you're over there. It's not touristy at all and there is no "set path" - just walk wherever you want.

1. The Houses - The Houses on Kampong Ayer are fantastic. They are all built on water and are a work of art in themselves. You can walk all around admiring them and taking photos. They are a range of colours and sizes and if you're lucky you might be able to get into a house by asking a local.

2. The Mosques - Being a staunch Muslim State, Mosques are what you will see a lot. Kampong Ayer has at least two Mosques, both floating on water making them an excellent attraction.

3. Get to know the locals - the people of Kampong Ayer are approachable and friendly. They will stop and have a chat and join you for photos.

4. Sweet Shop - There is a magnificent old style sweet shop on Kampong Ayer. This is a great chance to pretend you are young again and buy some tooth destroying candy and sweets!

I grew up in Bangor in the 1980s and when I was a kid, every week my Mum and Dad would take me to the local newsagents for a "10p mix" - basically loads of sweets in a bag. Bad for your teeth I know but I used to love it. That childhood trait has continued into adulthood, and aged 33 I took great joy in paying less than a pound for a load of sweets here!

It's also a nice touch to pay for something on your visit to give the locals some money. It was free for you to visit their village on water so leave them with something.

5. Walking - The best thing is just to walk round and explore it on your own - there is no set route and you can find all sorts of paths past houses and mosques. It's a feast for the eyes and a great place to see.

So that is my top 5 for Kampong Ayer in Bandar Seri Begawan. It is a great place and lives up to it's "Venice of the East" moniker. You will enjoy it and it's cheap. After you've seen Kampong Ayer, head back to the main part of Bandar Seri Begawan where you can explore the rest of Brunei.

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