Trying To Avoid Jet Lag

By Francis Mitchell

Nowadays with long haul travel becoming more affordable and advertised many holiday makers are considering travelling between countries which previously maybe not on your travel plans. Most times your body will have jet lag if your flight is over say 6 or 7 hours long due to the time difference. Your body thinks that it is back in your home turf and not in your new destination.

When travelling try and avoid caffeine drinks like your hot chocolate or coffee. We all love our coffee and may think this will help in keeping us awake during the flight instead of drinking water. The caffeine in your system actually makes you feel tired and drains you of energy however if you drink water this will give you body lots of energy.

Sleeping on the plane journey is a great way to adjust your body to your new time zone. This will also relieve the boredom too as some of your flights may be 12 hours long. There are only so many movies which you can watch during this time frame. Some travellers are unable to sleep due to the long hours and being awake for so long that they may consider taking sleeping tablets. This is not advisable unless prescribed by your GP.

A good tip is to try and make you sleep zone the same time as your arrival time and stay awake during the day time and not fall asleep. This is important as your body will soon adjust to your new country and temperatures. You will begin to feel the benefit of this in a few days as you become accustomed to your new time zone.

By completing an exercise routine of moving your arms and legs around and some gentle smoothing moves you will be able to take the benefit of keeping your body subtle and blood moving around your body each day.

Anyone who has suffered from jet lag will understand and agree that a few simple changes to your life will help your recovery.

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