Has Your Dealership Service Center Done A Full Inspection On Your Vehicle Currently

By Don. N. Peterson

It is often more than amazing. Motorists will spend a fortune purchasing and dolling up their new vehicle but will often scrimp on basic maintenance and care in order to keep their vehicle and its seasonal parts up to snuff.

Generally it can be said that the two most frequent causes of breakdowns are either running out of gas and flat tires. While it can be said that in 2012 with cell phones readily available as a standard communications and safety for most motorists and the general public that help in the form of local local roadside assistance for example Manitoba Motor league CAA, AAA , auto manufacturer or big box store or available tow truck can be had readily easily if not in a flash, that it never hurts to carry an empty, gas can - just in case of emergencies like this. Either it may come in handy for you, or to help out another stranded motorist on the road. A word of caution though. Never carry that fuel can full of gasoline . It's a safety and fire hazard in your trunk.

It seems now that virtually every new engine, transmission or other major components now installed in foreign and now standard North American - USA, Canadian and Mexican made NAFTA vehicles are made to metric standards.

Since the do-it-yourself er mechanic will undoubtedly be confronted with metric nuts, bolts and fluid capacities metric tools are now essential to any competent home and auto repair tinkerer. Although many metric nuts and bolts seem to be about the same size as standard (now sometime referred to as "non-metric), these are not interchangeable. Do not use metric wrenches on imperial nuts and bolts or "imperial "wrenches on metric nuts - except in real and absolute emergencies. It can be said and noted that a wrench that is only slightly too large is likely to round off the corners of the fastener and make it difficult to remove. Other tools such as ratchet extensions, punches and chisels whose exact sizes are not crucial to their function are often sold in the US in non-metric forms only.

No doubt about it. Your basic auto tool kit and first aid setup can both be a convenience and a lifesaver to the average motorist - yourself and your family included.

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