Hot Tips For Flying

By Francis Mitchell

Booking your family holiday overseas and flying can and should be an enjoyable time of the summer holidays. To keep things running smoothly we offer the following advise.

Long haul flights are as they say long and uncomfortable if you are sitting down for most of the flight. Why not arrange and book your seats before your flight and decide on which seat suits you and your family members according to their ages and height. Aisle seating is perfect for those of the travellers which have long legs and wish to spread out during long flights. Perhaps doing your noisey out of a window is more your thing. Whchever way book and select seating before you fly then you know where your seats are on board.

The emergency exits are normally not suitable for young people for obvious reasons and should not be booked if you are travelling with anyone under 18 years as most likely the stewardess will ask you to leave and take seats in other parts of the plane.

Delays are possible on flights which can not be avoided even for those who plan a meticilous time line planner. A straight through non stop flight might stop many delays as they cut out the stops and delays at other airports making your flight less likely for a delay.

A safety point of view around airports would be to keep all belongings close to your side at all times and don't let your guard down as not every traveller is going on holiday.

Double check your arrival and check in times and arrive in plenty of time to avoid any delays on the road into the airport. Don't forget the added security which is now in place at most airport due to recent terrorist attacks. A 2 to 3 hour arrival prior to take off is now recommended.

Make sure your paperwork is in order before arriving. This will include an up to date passport and health cards. You don't want to arrive at an airport and be turned away due to incorrect paperwork.

Making sure you have a seat on board a plane by checking into your flight on the web. Have a safe flight.

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